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An unequivocal 6th report from the IPCC

On 9 August 2021, the IPCC published part one of its sixth report, which was drafted by 234 scientists from 66 countries, based on over 14,000 scientific studies.

Focus area

3 Promote the 17 SDGs

The past six years have been the hottest on record in 150 years and the rise in sea level amounts to nearly 4 millimetres a year. All these events were predicted in previous reports by the IPCC.

Jean Jouzel,

According to the report, the planet’s temperature should increase by 1.5°C from 2030, with the consequences set to be "irreversible for centuries or millennia". Human activity is deemed as “unequivocally” responsible for global warming, which causes "rapid changes in the atmosphere, the oceans, the cryosphere and the biosphere".

Based on this analysis, it’s crucial to make drastic changes to our behaviour at every level: individuals, companies, institutions and governments.

The report can be found in its entirety by following this link.

Vue de haut d'un glacier au Spitzberg