"H2 et Territoires": the Energy Observer Foundation documentary series
In this documentary series, Victorien Erussard, founder of Energy Observer and passionate about energy issues, goes to meet the pioneers of low-carbon hydrogen in the region to understand the role this energy vector can really play in our transition.
Focus area
2 Raise awareness about hydrogen technologies
More project information
A little-known ecosystem
Still non-existent yesterday, the low-carbon hydrogen industry in France is booming, with billions of euros in investment. Driven by Europe's target of 12% to 14% green hydrogen in its energy mix by 2050, France announced in 2020 a plan worth 9 billion euros over 10 years to decarbonize industry and heavy transport, and develop the industrial production sector.
At the heart of this technological adventure, many French regions believe in hydrogen as a solution for the future of their region and for combating climate change. Leading the way are Occitanie, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Pays de Loire, all of which have adopted hydrogen plans over the past 3 years. These plans include orders for hydrogen-powered buses, stations and TER trains... The regions are welcoming manufacturers and producers with open arms.
The term "gigafactory" has been coined to describe the future mega electrolysis sites dedicated to the production of carbon-free hydrogen. At the rate at which projects are being announced, the National Hydrogen Strategy's target of 6.5 GW of production in France by 2030 could well be reached, and even exceeded.
For the general public, however, it's still difficult to project oneself into this future France of hydrogen, as it still seems so distant and complex. Many critics point to the mirage of hydrogen, France's inability to produce enough low-carbon electricity to power electrolysers, or the phenomenal cost of technologies linked to the hydrogen value chain, including production, distribution, storage and use.
Yet low-carbon hydrogen is already a reality in France, and many believe that this energy carrier is essential to achieving long-term carbon neutrality.

© Energy Observer Productions I Mélanie de Groot
Visit of Universal Hydrogen with Victorien Erussard
A content made for the general public to look into the future of hydrogen
The aim of this series, made for the general public, is to project ourselves into this future hydrogen society by going out into the field, demonstrating its concrete applications, and highlighting the industry and its professions in France.
Victorien Erussard has become a reference on these themes after a six-year odyssey around the world aboard Energy Observer, and embodies the series with a tremendous energy, and attempts to answer the many questions raised by hydrogen today:
- What exactly does the term "low-carbon hydrogen" mean?
- What role will it play in decarbonizing our industries and transport?
- How will it be produced in France? - How will it transform our regions?
"I've been a believer in the potential of hydrogen to reduce our carbon footprint for 10 years. Energy Observer, our laboratory vessel, has been sailing around the world for 6 years, partly powered by the green hydrogen produced on board. In France, this molecule polarizes the debate on our energy future and still raises many questions. Despite this, a major industry is emerging in France, one that just a few years ago hardly existed at all. Together with my team, I wanted to go to the 4 corners of the country to better understand the potential of low-carbon hydrogen and meet its pioneers, those for whom hydrogen is already a reality! "
Victorien Erussard, president, captain and founder of Energy Observer.

© Energy Observer Productions I Mélanie de Groot
The Hysetco station in Porte de St Cloud, Paris, the biggest hydrogen station in Europe
Providing universal keys to understanding this promising energy carrier
This series highlights the intense debate surrounding hydrogen, and the need for the general public to be better informed on the subject. Although the topic is of great interest to industry and politicians, it remains little-known to the general public. With many hydrogen production sites only a few years away from becoming operational, and consumer use still under development, now is the ideal time to tackle the subject.
Through an educational and exploratory journey through our territory, we hope to shed light on the persistent questions surrounding low-carbon hydrogen.
In all, eight 15-minute episodes will make up the series, with each episode aiming to deep dive into a major issue of the energy transition and the role that hydrogen can play in it:
1. Hydrogen to decarbonize our cars
2. Hydrogen to decarbonize transport
3. Producing enough low-carbon hydrogen
4. Zero Emission Valley: The Birth of a Hydrogen Ecosystem
5. Hydrogen's role in decarbonizing our industry
6. Hydrogen to decarbonize shipping
7. Hydrogen storage and distribution
8. Hydrogen research and training
These episodes will be freely available on the Energy Observer YouTube channel, and showcased for the first time during the Hyvolution 2024 event in Paris.

Alstom's hydrogen train on the road in Germany